local export = {}

-- it is either here, or in Module:ugly hacks, and it is not in ugly hacks. function export.CONTENTMODEL() return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().contentModel end

local skins = { ["common" ] = ""; ["vector" ] = "Vector"; ["monobook" ] = "Monobook"; ["cologneblue"] = "Cologne Blue"; ["modern" ] = "Modern"; }

local Array = require "Module:array"

local function compare_pages(page1, page2, text) return "[" .. tostring( mw.uri.fullUrl("Special:ComparePages", { page1 = page1, page2 = page2 })) .. " " .. text .. "]" end

local function page_exists(title) local success, title_obj = pcall(mw.title.new, title) return success and title_obj.exists end

-- Avoid transcluding Module:languages/cache everywhere. local lang_cache = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (self, k) return require "Module:languages/cache"[k] end })

local function zh_link(word) return require("Module:links").full_link{ lang = lang_cache.zh, term = word } end

local function make_languages_data_documentation(title, cats, division) local doc_template, module_cat if division:find("/extra$") then division = division:gsub("/extra$", "") doc_template = "language extradata documentation" module_cat = "Language extra data modules" else doc_template = "language data documentation" module_cat = "Language data modules" end local sort_key if division == "exceptional" then sort_key = "x" else sort_key = division:gsub("/", "") end cats:insert(module_cat .. "|" .. sort_key) return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = doc_template } end

local function make_Unicode_data_documentation(title, cats) local subpage, first_three_of_code_point = title.fullText:match("^Module:Unicode data/([^/]+)/(%x%x%x)$") if subpage == "names" or subpage == "images" then local low, high = tonumber(first_three_of_code_point .. "000", 16), tonumber(first_three_of_code_point .. "FFF", 16) return string.format( "This data module contains the %s of " .. "Unicode code points within the range U+%04X to U+%04X.", subpage == "images" and "titles of images" or "names", low, high) end end

-- This provides categories and documentation for various data modules, so that -- isn’t unnecessarily cluttered. -- It is a list of tables, each of which have the following possible fields:

-- `regex` (required): A Lua pattern to match the module's title. If it matches, the data in this entry will be used. -- Any captures in the pattern can by referenced in the `cat` field using %1 for the first capture, %2 for the -- second, etc. (often used for creating the sortkey for the category). In addition, the captures are passed to the -- `process` function as the third and subsequent parameters.

-- `process` (optional): This may be a function or a string. If it is a function, it is called as follows: -- process(TITLE, CATS, CAPTURE1, CAPTURE2, ...) -- where: -- * TITLE is a title object describing the module's title; see [1]. -- * CATS is an array object (see Module:array) of categories that the module will be added to. -- * CAPTURE1, CAPTURE2, ... contain any captures in the `regex` field. -- The return value of `process` should be a string and will be used as the module's documentation. -- If `process` is a string, it is the name of a submodule under 'Module:documentation/functions/' which returns a -- function, of the same type as described above. If `process` is omitted entirely, the module will have no -- documentation.

-- `cat` (optional): A string naming the category into which the module should be placed. Captures specified in `regex` -- may be referenced in this string using %1 for the first capture, %2 for the second, etc. Currently, in order to put -- the module into multiple categories, you need to write a `process` function that adds categories to the CATS -- parameter passed in. local module_regex = { { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(3/./extra)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(3/.)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(2/extra)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(2)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(exceptional/extra)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/data/(exceptional)$", process = make_languages_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:languages/.+$", cat = "Language and script modules", }, { regex = "^Module:scripts/.+$", cat = "Language and script modules", }, { regex = "^Module:data tables/data..?.?.?$", cat = "Reference module sharded data tables", }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/dial%-pron/.+$", cat = "Chinese dialectal pronunciation data modules", process = "zh dial or syn", }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/dial%-syn/.+$", cat = "Chinese dialectal synonyms data modules", process = "zh dial or syn", }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/glyph%-data/.+$", cat = "Chinese historical character forms data modules", process = function(title, cats) local character = title.fullText:match("^Module:zh/data/glyph%-data/(.+)") if character then return ("This module contains data on historical forms of the Chinese character %s.") :format(zh_link(character)) end end, }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/ltc%-pron/(.+)$", cat = "Middle Chinese pronunciation data modules|%1", process = "zh data", }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/och%-pron%-BS/(.+)$", cat = "Old Chinese (Baxter-Sagart) pronunciation data modules|%1", process = "zh data", }, { regex = "^Module:zh/data/och%-pron%-ZS/(.+)$", cat = "Old Chinese (Zhengzhang) pronunciation data modules|%1", process = "zh data", }, { -- capture rest of zh/data submodules regex = "^Module:zh/data/(.+)$", cat = "Chinese data modules|%1", }, { regex = "^Module:mul/guoxue%-data/cjk%-?(.*)$", process = "guoxue-data", }, { regex = "^Module:Unicode data/(.+)$", cat = "Unicode data modules|%1", process = make_Unicode_data_documentation, }, { regex = "^Module:number list/data/(.+)$", process = "number list", }, { regex = "^Module:accel/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats) local lang_code = title.subpageText local lang = lang_cache[lang_code] if lang then cats:insert(lang:getCanonicalName() .. " modules|accel") cats:insert(("Accel submodules|%s"):format(lang:getCanonicalName())) return ("This module contains new entry creation rules for %s; see WT:ACCEL for an overview, and Module:accel for information on creating new rules.") :format(lang:makeCategoryLink()) end end, }, { regex = "^Module:inc%-ash/dial/data/(.+)$", cat = "Ashokan Prakrit modules|%1", process = function(title, cats) local word = title.fullText:match("^Module:inc%-ash/dial/data/(.+)$") if word then local lang = lang_cache["inc-ash"] return ("This module contains data on the pronunciation of %s in dialects of %s.") :format(require("Module:links").full_link({ term = word, lang = lang }, "term"), lang:makeCategoryLink()) end end, }, { regex = "^Module:[%l-]+:Dialects$", process = function(title, cats) local content = title:getContent() local has_aliases = content:find("aliases") ~= nil return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = "dialectal data module", args = { ["labels-aliases"] = has_aliases }, } end, }, { regex = "^.+%-translit$", process = "translit", }, { regex = "^Module:form of/lang%-data/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code) local lang = lang_cache[lang_code] if lang then local langname = lang:getCanonicalName() cats:insert("Language-specific form-of modules|" .. lang_code) cats:insert(langname .. " modules") cats:insert(langname .. " data modules") -- FIXME, display more info. return "This module contains language-specific form-of data (tags, shortcuts, base lemma params. etc.) for " .. langname .. ".\n\nNOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the " .. "list at the top of Module:form of in order for the module to be recognized." end end }, { regex = "^Module:labels/data/lang/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code) local lang = lang_cache[lang_code] if lang then local langname = lang:getCanonicalName() cats:insert("Language-specific label data modules|" .. lang_code) cats:insert(langname .. " modules") cats:insert(langname .. " data modules") return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = "label language-specific data documentation", args = { [1] = lang_code }, } end end }, { regex = "^Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang%-specific/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code) local lang = lang_cache[lang_code] if lang then local langname = lang:getCanonicalName() cats:insert("Category tree data modules/poscatboiler|" .. langname) cats:insert(langname .. " modules") cats:insert(langname .. " data modules") return "This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for " .. langname .. " category pages " .. "of the format \"" .. langname .. " LABEL\" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are " .. "Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. " .. "This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the " .. "descriptions and categorization of category pages.\n\n" .. "For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.\n\n" .. "NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the " .. "list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be " .. "recognized." end end }, { regex = "^Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code) cats:insert("Category tree data modules/poscatboiler| ") return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = "poscatboiler data submodule documentation" } end }, { regex = "^Module:category tree/topic cat/data/(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code) return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { title = "topic cat data submodule documentation" } end }, { regex = "^Module:ja/data/(.+)$", cat = "Japanese data modules|%1", }, { regex = "^Module:Swadesh/data/(.+)$", cat = "Swadesh modules|%1", }, { regex = "^Module:typing%-aids", process = function(title, cats) local data_suffix = title.fullText:match("^Module:typing%-aids/data/(.+)$") if data_suffix then cats:insert("Data modules") if data_suffix:find "^[%l-]+$" then local lang = require "Module:languages".getByCode(data_suffix) if lang then cats:insert(lang:getCanonicalName() .. " modules") end elseif data_suffix:find "^%u%l%l%l$" then local script = require "Module:scripts".getByCode(data_suffix) if script then cats:insert(script:getCategoryName()) end end end end, }, { regex = "^Module:R:([a-z%-]+):(.+)$", process = function(title, cats, lang_code, refname) local lang = lang_cache[lang_code] if lang then cats:insert(lang:getCanonicalName() .. " modules|" .. refname) cats:insert(("Reference modules|%s"):format(lang:getCanonicalName())) return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("This module implements the reference template {{[[Plantilya:R:" .. lang_code .. ":" .. refname .. "|R:" .. lang_code .. ":" .. refname .. "]]}}.") end end, }, { regex = "^Module:Quotations/([a-z-]+)/?(.*)", process = "Quotation", }, { regex = "^Module:affix/lang%-data/([a-z-]+)", process = "affix lang-data", } }

function export.show(frame) local params = { ["hr"] = {}, ["for"] = {}, ["from"] = {}, ["notsubpage"] = { type = "boolean", default = false }, ["nodoc"] = { type = "boolean", default = false }, }

local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, params)

local output = Array('\n


local cats = Array()

local nodoc = args.nodoc

if (not args.hr) or (args.hr == "above") then output:insert("----\n") end

local title = ((args['for'] ~= "") and args['for']) and mw.title.new(args['for']) or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local doc_title = mw.title.new((args['from'] ~= "") and args['from'] or (title.fullText .. '/documentation')) local contentModel = title.contentModel

local pagetype = mw.getContentLanguage():lcfirst(title.nsText) .. " page" local preload, fallback_docs, doc_content, doc_content_module, old_doc_title, user_name, skin_name, needs_doc

if contentModel == "javascript" then pagetype = "script" if title.nsText == 'MediaWiki' then if title.text:find('Gadget-') then preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadGadget' else preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadMediaWikiJavaScript' end else preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadTemplate' -- XXX end if title.nsText == 'User' then user_name = title.rootText end elseif contentModel == "css" then pagetype = "style sheet" preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadTemplate' -- XXX if title.nsText == 'User' then user_name = title.rootText end elseif contentModel == "Scribunto" then pagetype = "module" user_name = title.rootText:match("^[Uu]ser:(.+)") if user_name then preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadModuleSandbox' else preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadModule' end elseif title.nsText == "Template" then pagetype = "template" preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadTemplate' elseif title.nsText == "Wiktionary" then pagetype = "project page" preload = 'Template:documentation/preloadTemplate' -- XXX end

if doc_title.isRedirect then old_doc_title = doc_title doc_title = mw.title.new(string.match(doc_title:getContent(), "^#[Rr][Ee][Dd][Ii][Rr][Ee][Cc][Tt]%s*:?%s*%[%[([^%[%]]-)%]%]")) end

") if doc_title.exists then output:insert( "
The following " .. "documentation is located at [[" .. doc_title.fullText .. "]]. " .. "[[" .. doc_title:fullUrl { action = 'edit' } .. " edit]]
") else if contentModel == "Scribunto" then local automatic_cats = nil if user_name then fallback_docs = "documentation/fallback/user module" automatic_cats = {"User sandbox modules"} else for _, data in ipairs(module_regex) do local captures = {mw.ustring.match(title.fullText, data.regex)} if #captures > 0 then local cat local process_function if type(data.process) == "function" then process_function = data.process elseif type(data.process) == "string" then doc_content_module = "Module:documentation/functions/" .. data.process process_function = require(doc_content_module) end if process_function then doc_content = process_function(title, cats, unpack(captures)) end cat = data.cat if cat then if type(cat) == "string" then cat = {cat} end for _, c in ipairs(cat) do -- gsub() and Lua :gsub() return two arguments, which causes all sorts of problems. -- Terrible design, there should have been a separate two-argument function. local gsub_sucks = mw.ustring.gsub(title.fullText, data.regex, c) table.insert(cats, gsub_sucks) end end break end end end if not automatic_cats then local success, auto_cats = pcall(require("Module:module categorization").categorize, frame, true) if success then for _, category in ipairs(auto_cats) do cats:insert(category) end end end if title.subpageText == "templates" then cats:insert("Template interface modules") end if automatic_cats then for _, c in ipairs(automatic_cats) do cats:insert(c) end end -- meaning module is not in user’s sandbox or one of many datamodule boring series needs_doc = not (automatic_cats or doc_content or fallback_docs) elseif title.nsText == "Template" then --cats:insert("Uncategorized templates") needs_doc = not (fallback_docs or nodoc) elseif (contentModel == "css") or (contentModel == "javascript") then if user_name then skin_name = skins[title.text:sub(#title.rootText + 1):match("^/([a-z]+)%.[jc]ss?$")] if skin_name then fallback_docs = 'documentation/fallback/user ' .. contentModel end end end if doc_content then local generating_module = doc_content_module or "Module:documentation" output:insert( "
The following " .. "documentation is " .. "generated by " .. generating_module .. ". [[" .. mw.title.new(generating_module):fullUrl { action = 'edit' } .. " edit]]
") elseif not nodoc then output:insert( "
This " .. pagetype .. " lacks a documentation subpage. " .. (fallback_docs and "You may " or "Please ") .. "[" .. doc_title:fullUrl { action = 'edit', preload = preload } .. " create it].
\n") end end if title.fullText:match("^MediaWiki:Gadget%-") then local is_gadget = false local gadget_list = mw.title.new("MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition"):getContent() for line in mw.text.gsplit(gadget_list, "\n") do local gadget, opts, items = line:match("^%*%s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_%-]*)%[(.-)%]|(.+)$") -- opts is unused if not gadget then gadget, items = line:match("^%*%s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_%-]*)|(.+)$") end if gadget then items = Array(mw.text.split(items, "|")) for i, item in ipairs(items) do if title.fullText == ("MediaWiki:Gadget-" .. item) then is_gadget = true output:insert("
This script is a part of the ") output:insert(gadget) output:insert(" gadget ([") output:insert(tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition', 'action=edit'))) output:insert(" edit definitions])
") output:insert("
Description ([") output:insert(tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('MediaWiki:Gadget-' .. gadget, 'action=edit'))) output:insert(" edit]): ") local gadget_description = mw.message.new('Gadget-' .. gadget):plain() gadget_description = frame:preprocess(gadget_description) output:insert(gadget_description) output:insert("
") items:remove(i) if #items > 0 then for j, item in ipairs(items) do items[j] = '' .. item .. '' end output:insert("
Other parts: ") output:insert(mw.text.listToText(items)) output:insert("
") end output:insert("

break end end end end

if not is_gadget then

This script is not a part of any [") output:insert(tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:Gadgets', 'uselang=en'))) output:insert(' gadget] ([') output:insert(tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition', 'action=edit'))) output:insert(' edit definitions]).
') -- else -- cats:insert("Wiktionary gadgets") end end if old_doc_title then output:insert("
Redirected from [") output:insert(old_doc_title:fullUrl { redirect = 'no' }) output:insert(" ") output:insert(old_doc_title.fullText) output:insert("] ([") output:insert(old_doc_title:fullUrl { action = 'edit' }) output:insert(" edit]).
\n") end local links = Array() if title.isSubpage and not args.notsubpage then links:insert("root page") links:insert("root page’s subpages") else links:insert("subpage list") end links:insert( '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:WhatLinksHere/' .. title.fullText, 'hidetrans=1&hideredirs=1')) .. ' links]') if contentModel ~= "Scribunto" then links:insert( '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:WhatLinksHere/' .. title.fullText, 'hidelinks=1&hidetrans=1')) .. ' redirects]') end if (contentModel == "javascript") or (contentModel == "css") then if user_name then links:insert("your own") end else links:insert( '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:WhatLinksHere/' .. title.fullText, 'hidelinks=1&hideredirs=1')) .. ' transclusions]') end if contentModel == "Scribunto" then local is_testcases = title.isSubpage and title.subpageText == "testcases" local without_subpage = title.nsText .. ":" .. title.baseText if is_testcases then links:insert("tested module") else links:insert("testcases") end if user_name then links:insert("user page") links:insert("user talk page") links:insert("userspace") else -- If sandbox module, add a link to the module that this is a sandbox of. -- Exclude user sandbox modules like User:Dine2016/sandbox. if title.text:find("/sandbox%d*%f[/%z]") then cats:insert("Sandbox modules") -- Sandbox modules don’t really need documentation. needs_doc = false -- Will behave badly if “/sandbox” occurs twice in title! local sandbox_of = title.fullText:gsub("/sandbox%d*%f[/%z]", "") local diff if page_exists(sandbox_of) then diff = " (" .. compare_pages(title.fullText, sandbox_of, "diff") .. ")" else require("Module:debug").track("documentation/no sandbox of") end links:insert("sandbox of" .. (diff or "")) -- If not a sandbox module, add link to sandbox module. -- Sometimes there are multiple sandboxes for a single module: -- Module:sa-pronunc/sandbox, Module:sa-pronunc/sandbox2. -- Occasionally sandbox modules have their own subpages that are also -- sandboxes: Module:grc-decl/sandbox/decl. else local sandbox_title if title.fullText:find("^Module:grc%-decl/") then sandbox_title = title.fullText:gsub("^Module:grc%-decl/", "Module:grc-decl/sandbox/") elseif is_testcases then sandbox_title = title.fullText:gsub("/testcases", "/sandbox/testcases") else sandbox_title = title.fullText .. "/sandbox" end local sandbox_link = "sandbox" local diff if page_exists(sandbox_title) then diff = " (" .. compare_pages(title.fullText, sandbox_title, "diff") .. ")" end links:insert(sandbox_link .. (diff or "")) end end end if title.nsText == "Template" then -- Error search: all(any namespace), hastemplate (show pages using the template), insource (show source code), incategory (any/specific error) -- mw:Help:CirrusSearch, w:Help:Searching/Regex -- apparently same with/without: &profile=advanced&fulltext=1 local errorq = 'searchengineselect=mediawiki&search=all: hastemplate:\"'..title.rootText..'\" insource:\"'..title.rootText..'\" incategory:' local eincategory = "Pages_with_module_errors|ParserFunction_errors|DisplayTitle_errors|Pages_with_ISBN_errors|Pages_with_ISSN_errors|Pages_with_reference_errors|Pages_with_syntax_highlighting_errors|Pages_with_TemplateStyles_errors" links:insert( '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:Search', errorq..eincategory )) .. ' errors]' .. ' (' .. '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:Search', errorq..'ParserFunction_errors' )) .. ' parser]' .. '/' .. '[' .. tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl('Special:Search', errorq..'Pages_with_module_errors' )) .. ' module]' .. ')' ) if title.isSubpage and title.text:find("/sandbox%d*%f[/%z]") then -- This is a sandbox template. -- At the moment there are no user sandbox templates with subpage -- “/sandbox”. cats:insert("Sandbox templates") -- Sandbox templates don’t really need documentation. needs_doc = false -- Will behave badly if “/sandbox” occurs twice in title! local sandbox_of = title.fullText:gsub("/sandbox%d*%f[/%z]", "") local diff if page_exists(sandbox_of) then diff = " (" .. compare_pages(title.fullText, sandbox_of, "diff") .. ")" else require("Module:debug").track("documentation/no sandbox of") end links:insert("sandbox of" .. (diff or "")) else -- This is a template that can have a sandbox. local sandbox_title = title.fullText .. "/sandbox" local diff if page_exists(sandbox_title) then diff = " (" .. compare_pages(title.fullText, sandbox_title, "diff") .. ")" end links:insert("sandbox" .. (diff or "")) end end if #links > 0 then output:insert("
Useful links: " .. links:concat(" • ") .. "
") end output:insert("

-- Show error from Module:category tree/topic cat/data on its submodules' -- documentation to, for instance, warn about duplicate labels. if title.fullText:find("Module:category tree/topic cat/data", 1, true) == 1 then local ok, err = pcall(require, "Module:category tree/topic cat/data") if not ok then output:insert('' .. err .. '\n\n') end end

if doc_title.exists then -- Override automatic documentation, if present. doc_content = frame:expandTemplate { title = doc_title.fullText } elseif not doc_content and fallback_docs then doc_content = frame:expandTemplate { title = fallback_docs; args = { ['user'] = user_name; ['page'] = title.fullText; ['skin name'] = skin_name; } } end

if doc_content then output:insert(doc_content) end

output:insert(('\n<%s style="clear: both;" />'):format(args.hr == "below" and "hr" or "br"))

if not cats[1] and not doc_content then if contentModel == "Scribunto" then cats:insert("Uncategorized modules") -- elseif title.nsText == "Template" then -- cats:insert("Uncategorized templates") end end

if needs_doc then cats:insert("Templates and modules needing documentation") end

for _, cat in ipairs(cats) do output:insert("") end



return output:concat() end

-- Used by This module will transliterate Undeterminedna tataramon text.

The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:Quotations/testcases.

Functions baguhon

tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang. When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

Lua error in Module:module_categorization at line 56: Category name was not recognized... function export.translitModuleLangList(frame) local pagename, subpage

if frame.args[1] then pagename = frame.args[1] else local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() subpage = title.subpageText pagename = title.text

if subpage ~= pagename then pagename = title.rootText end end

local translitModule = pagename

local languageObjects = require("Module:languages/byTranslitModule")(translitModule) local codeInPagename = pagename:match("^([%l-]+)%-.*translit$")

local categories = Array() local codeInPagenameInList = false if codeInPagename then if languageObjects[1] and subpage ~= "documentation" then local agreement = languageObjects[2] and "s" or "" categories:insert("[[Category:Transliteration modules used by " .. #languageObjects .. " language" .. agreement .. "]]") end

languageObjects = Array(languageObjects) :filter( function (lang) local result = lang:getCode() ~= codeInPagename codeInPagenameInList = codeInPagenameInList or result return result end) end

if subpage ~= "documentation" then for script_code in pagename:gmatch("%f[^-%z]%u%l%l%l%f[-]") do local script = require "Module:scripts".getByCode(script_code) if script then categories:insert("") end end end

if subpage ~= "documentation" and not page_exists("Module:" .. pagename .. "/testcases") then categories:insert("") end

if not languageObjects[1] then return categories:concat() end

local langs = Array(languageObjects) :sort( function(lang1, lang2) return lang1:getCode() < lang2:getCode() end) -- This will not error because languageObjects is not empty. :map(languageObjects[1].makeCategoryLink) :serial_comma_join()

return "It is " .. ( codeInPagenameInList and "also" or "" ) .. " used to transliterate " .. langs .. "." .. categories:concat() end

-- Used by Plantilya:entry name module documentation. function export.entryNameModuleLangList(frame) local pagename, subpage

if frame.args[1] then pagename = frame.args[1] else local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() subpage = title.subpageText pagename = title.text

if subpage ~= pagename then pagename = title.rootText end end

local entryNameModule = pagename

local languageObjects = require("Module:languages/byEntryNameModule")(entryNameModule) local codeInPagename = pagename:match("^([%l-]+)%-.*entryname$")

local categories = Array() local codeInPagenameInList = false if codeInPagename then if languageObjects[1] and subpage ~= "documentation" then local agreement = languageObjects[2] and "s" or "" categories:insert("[[Category:Entry name-generating modules used by " .. #languageObjects .. " language" .. agreement .. "]]") end

languageObjects = Array(languageObjects) :filter( function (lang) local result = lang:getCode() ~= codeInPagename codeInPagenameInList = codeInPagenameInList or result return result end) end

if subpage ~= "documentation" then for script_code in pagename:gmatch("%f[^-%z]%u%l%l%l%f[-]") do local script = require "Module:scripts".getByCode(script_code) if script then categories:insert("") end end end

if subpage ~= "documentation" and not page_exists("Module:" .. pagename .. "/testcases") then categories:insert("") end

if not languageObjects[1] then return categories:concat() end

local langs = Array(languageObjects) :sort( function(lang1, lang2) return lang1:getCode() < lang2:getCode() end) -- This will not error because languageObjects is not empty. :map(languageObjects[1].makeCategoryLink) :serial_comma_join()

return "It is " .. ( codeInPagenameInList and "also" or "" ) .. " used to generate entry names for " .. langs .. "." .. categories:concat() end

-- Used by Plantilya:sortkey module documentation. function export.sortkeyModuleLangList(frame) local pagename, subpage

if frame.args[1] then pagename = frame.args[1] else local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() subpage = title.subpageText pagename = title.text

if subpage ~= pagename then pagename = title.rootText end end

local sortkeyModule = pagename

local languageObjects = require("Module:languages/bySortkeyModule")(sortkeyModule) local codeInPagename = pagename:match("^([%l-]+)%-.*sortkey$")

local categories = Array() local codeInPagenameInList = false if codeInPagename then if languageObjects[1] and subpage ~= "documentation" then local agreement = languageObjects[2] and "s" or "" categories:insert("[[Category:Sortkey-generating modules used by " .. #languageObjects .. " language" .. agreement .. "]]") end

languageObjects = Array(languageObjects) :filter( function (lang) local result = lang:getCode() ~= codeInPagename codeInPagenameInList = codeInPagenameInList or result return result end) end

if subpage ~= "documentation" then for script_code in pagename:gmatch("%f[^-%z]%u%l%l%l%f[-]") do local script = require "Module:scripts".getByCode(script_code) if script then categories:insert("") end end end

if subpage ~= "documentation" and not page_exists("Module:" .. pagename .. "/testcases") then categories:insert("") end

if not languageObjects[1] then return categories:concat() end

local langs = Array(languageObjects) :sort( function(lang1, lang2) return lang1:getCode() < lang2:getCode() end) -- This will not error because languageObjects is not empty. :map(languageObjects[1].makeCategoryLink) :serial_comma_join()

return "It is " .. ( codeInPagenameInList and "also" or "" ) .. " used to sort " .. langs .. "." .. categories:concat() end

return export

local m_scriptutils = require("Module:script utilities")
local date_validation = require("Module:Quotations/date validation")
local loadModule -- a forward declaration
local export = {}

local LanguageModule = {}
LanguageModule.__index = LanguageModule

local hasData = {
	['ae'] = true,
	['ar'] = true,
	['axm'] = true,
	['az'] = true,
	['bra'] = true,
	['chg'] = true,
	['cy'] = true,
	['egy'] = true,
	['en'] = true,
	['fa'] = true,
	['fro'] = true,
	['gmq-ogt'] = true,
	['gmq-pro'] = true,
	['grc'] = true,
	['he'] = true,
	['hi'] = true,
	['hy'] = true,
	['inc-ogu'] = true,
	['inc-mgu'] = true,
	['inc-ohi'] = true,
	['inc-opa'] = true,
	['inc-pra'] = true,
	['la'] = true,
	['lzz'] = true,
	['mt'] = true,
	['mxi'] = true,
	['oge'] = true,
	['omr'] = true,
	['ota'] = true,
	['peo'] = true,
	['pmh'] = true,
	['sa'] = true,
	['scn'] = true,
	['sv'] = true,
	['vah'] = true,
	['xcl'] = true,
export.hasData = hasData

function export.create(frame)
	local passed, results = pcall(function () return export.Create(frame:getParent().args) end)
	if passed then
		return results
		return '<span class="wiktQuote previewonly error" data-validation="red">'..results..'</span>'

local function warn_about_unrecognized_args(unrecognized_args)
	require('Module:debug').track('Quotations/param error')
	mw.addWarning('Unrecognized parameters in '
		.. mw.text.nowiki('{{Q}}: '
		.. table.concat(require('Module:table').keysToList(unrecognized_args), ', ')))

function export.Create(args)
	-- Set up our initial variables; set empty parameters to false
	local processed_args = {}
	local unrecognized_args = {}
	local params = {
		['thru'] = true,
		['quote'] = true,
		['trans'] = true,
		['transauthor'] = true,
		['transyear'] = true,
		['t'] = true,
		['lit'] = true,
		['style'] = true,
		['object'] = true,
		['notes'] = true,
		['refn'] = true,
		['form'] = true,
		['year'] = true,
		['termlang'] = true,
		['tr'] = true, -- This is simply ignored if quote is in Latin script.
		['ts'] = true, -- This is simply ignored if quote is in Latin script.
		['subst'] = true, -- This is simply ignored if quote is in Latin script.
		['nocat'] = true,

	local max_numbered_param = 4
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		if type(k) == 'number' then
			if k > max_numbered_param then
				max_numbered_param = k
		elseif not params[k] then
			unrecognized_args[k] = v
		if v == '' then
			if k == "lang" then
				processed_args[k] = nil
				processed_args[k] = false
			processed_args[k] = v
	if next(unrecognized_args) then
	-- Ensure that all numbered parameters up to the greatest numbered parameter
	-- are not nil.
	for i = 1, max_numbered_param do
		processed_args[i] = processed_args[i] or false
	args = processed_args -- Overwrite original args.
	local lang = args[1]
	lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang) or require("Module:languages").err(lang, 1)
	local ante = {}
	if hasData[lang:getCode()] then
		local m_langModule = LanguageModule.new(lang)
		ante = m_langModule:expand(args)
		require("Module:debug").track {
			'Quotations/no data',
			'Quotations/no data/' .. lang:getCode(),
	if ante.author == nil then
		ante.author = args[2]
	if ante.work == nil then
		ante.work = args[3]
	if ante.ref == nil then
		local ref = {}
		for i = 4, 10 do
			if args[i] then
				table.insert(ref, args[i])
		ante.ref = table.concat(ref, '.')
	for k,v in pairs(args) do
		if type(k) ~= 'number' then
			ante[k] = args[k]

	local penult = {['year'] = '', ['author'] = '', ['work'] = '', ['object'] = '', ['ref'] = '', ['termlang'] = '',
		['notes'] = '', ['refn'] = '', ['otherLines'] = {}, ['s1'] = '', ['s2'] = '',
		['s3'] = '', ['s4'] = '', ['s5'] = '', ['style1'] = '', ['style2'] = ''}
	local comma = false
	--Language specific modules are responsible for first line parameters.
	--Base formatting module will poll for other parameters,
	--pulling them only if the language module hasn't returned them.

	local otherOtherLineStuff = {'quote', 'transyear', 'transauthor', 'trans', 'termlang'}
	for _, item in ipairs(otherOtherLineStuff) do
		ante[item] = ante[item] or args[item]

	if not ante.code then
		penult.elAttr = ' class="wiktQuote" data-validation="white">'
		penult.elAttr = ' class="wiktQuote" data-validation="'..ante.code..'">'
	if ante.year then
		penult.year = "'''"..date_validation.main(ante.year).."'''"
		comma = true
	if ante.author then
		penult.s1 = (comma and ', ' or '')
		penult.author = ante.author
		comma = true
	if ante.work then
		penult.s2 = (comma and ', ' or '')
		penult.work = ante.work
		comma = true
	if ante.object then
		penult.s5 = (comma and ' ' or '')
		penult.object = '('..ante.object..')'
		comma = true
	if ante.ref then
		penult.s3 = (comma and ' ' or '')
		penult.ref = ante.ref
	if ante.style == 'no' or penult.work == '' then
		penult.style1 = ''
		penult.style2 = ''
	elseif ante.style == 'q' then
		penult.style1 = '“'
		penult.style2 = '”'
		penult.style1 = "''"
		penult.style2 = "''"
	if ante.termlang then
		ante.termlang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(ante.termlang) or require("Module:languages").err(ante.termlang, 1)
		penult.termlang = ' (in '..lang:getCanonicalName()..')'
	local form = args['form'] or 'full'
	local ultimate
	if form == 'full' then
		local categories = {}
		local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText

		if ante.notes then
			penult.s4 = (comma and ', ' or '')
			penult.notes = '('..ante.notes..')'
		if ante.refn then
			penult.refn = ante.refn
		if ante.t then
			ante.trans = ante.t
		if ante.quote or (ante.trans and ante.trans ~= "-") then
			penult.refn = ":" .. penult.refn
			local translitwithtrans = false
			table.insert(penult.otherLines, "<dl><dd>")
			if ante.quote then
				local sc = lang:findBestScript(ante.quote)
				local quote = ante.quote
				-- fix up links with accents/macrons/etc.
				if quote:find("[[", 1, true) then
					 quote = require("Module:links").language_link({term = quote, lang = lang}, false)
				table.insert(penult.otherLines, m_scriptutils.tag_text(quote, lang, sc, nil, "e-quotation"))
				if (namespace == "" or namespace == "Reconstruction") and not args.nocat then
					if ante.termlang then
						table.insert(categories, ante.termlang:getCanonicalName() .. " terms with quotations")
						table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " terms with quotations")
				if not m_scriptutils.is_Latin_script(sc) or lang:getCode() == "egy" then

					-- Handle subst=		
					local subbed_quote = require("Module:links").remove_links(quote)
					if args.subst then
						local substs = mw.text.split(args.subst, ",")
						for _, subpair in ipairs(substs) do
							local subsplit = mw.text.split(subpair, mw.ustring.find(subpair, "//") and "//" or "/")
							subbed_quote = mw.ustring.gsub(subbed_quote, subsplit[1], subsplit[2])

					local transliteration = args.tr or (lang:transliterate(subbed_quote, sc))
					if transliteration then
						transliteration = "<dd>" .. m_scriptutils.tag_translit(transliteration, lang, "usex") .. "</dd>"
					local transcription = args.ts and "<dd>/" .. m_scriptutils.tag_transcription(args.ts, lang, "usex") .. "/</dd>"
					if transliteration or transcription then
						local translitend = "</dl>"
						if ante.trans and ante.trans ~= "-" and not ante.transyear and not ante.transauthor then
							translitwithtrans = true
							translitend = ""
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, "<dl>" .. (transliteration or "") .. (transcription or "") .. translitend)

			if ante.trans == "-" then
				ante.trans = nil
				table.insert(categories, "Omitted translation in the main namespace")
			elseif ante.trans then
				local litline = ""
				if ante.lit then
					litline = "<dd>(literally, “"..ante.lit.."”)</dd>"
				if ante.transyear or ante.transauthor then
					table.insert(penult.otherLines, "<ul><li>")
					if ante.transyear then
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, "'''" .. ante.transyear .. "''' translation")
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, "Translation")
					if ante.transauthor then
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, " by " .. ante.transauthor)
					table.insert(penult.otherLines, "<dl><dd>" .. ante.trans .. "</dd>" .. litline .. "</dl></li></ul>")
					if not ante.quote then
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, ante.trans)
						local transstart = "<dl><dd>"
						if translitwithtrans then
							transstart = "<dd>"
						table.insert(penult.otherLines, transstart .. ante.trans .. "</dd>" .. litline .. "</dl>")
			elseif lang:getCode() ~= "en" and lang:getCode() ~= "und" then
				-- add trreq category if translation is unspecified and language is not English or undetermined
				table.insert(categories, "Requests for translations of " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " quotations")
			table.insert(penult.otherLines, "</dd></dl>")
		penult.otherLines = table.concat(penult.otherLines)
		ultimate = '<div'..penult.elAttr..penult.year..penult.s1..penult.author..penult.s2..penult.style1..penult.work..penult.termlang..penult.style2..penult.s5..penult.object..penult.s3..penult.ref..penult.s4..penult.notes..penult.refn..penult.otherLines..'</div>'..require("Module:utilities").format_categories(categories, lang)
	elseif form == 'inline' then
		ultimate = '<span'..penult.elAttr..penult.author..penult.s2..penult.style1..penult.work..penult.termlang..penult.style2..penult.s5..penult.object..penult.s3..penult.ref..'</span>'
	elseif form == 'work' then
		ultimate = '<span'..penult.elAttr..penult.style1..penult.work..penult.termlang..penult.style2..penult.s5..penult.object..penult.s3..penult.ref..'</span>'
	elseif form == 'ref' then
		ultimate = '<span'..penult.elAttr..penult.ref..'</span>'
	return ultimate


local function add_self(func)
	return function(self, ...)
		return func(...)

function LanguageModule.new(lang)
	local sema = require('Module:Quotations/' .. lang:getCode())
	sema.library = mw.loadData("Module:Quotations/" .. lang:getCode() .. "/data")
	setmetatable(sema, LanguageModule)
	-- Have to insert unused self parameter or Lua–PHP interface complains about
	-- table with boolean keys.
	sema.lower = add_self(mw.ustring.lower)
	sema.period = '.'
	return sema

setmetatable(LanguageModule, { __index = function (self, key)
	if key == 'numToIndian' then
		-- This should only be loaded if needed so that [[Module:foreign numerals]]
		-- is not transcluded on every page that [[Module:Quotations]] is.
		local func = require('Module:foreign numerals').to_Indian
		self.numToIndian = func
		return func
end })

function LanguageModule:changeCode(color)
	if color == 'orange' then
		self.code = 'orange'
	if (color == 'yellow') and (self.code == 'green') then
		self.code = 'yellow'

function LanguageModule:reroute(route)
	local temp = {}
	local data = self.library.data
	for k, v in pairs(route) do
		temp[k] = self:interpret(v)
	for k, v in pairs(temp) do
		self[k] = v
	if self.author ~= nil and data[self.author] then
		self.aData = data[self.author]
		if self.work ~= nil and self.aData.works[self.work] then
			self.wData = self.aData.works[self.work]

function LanguageModule:choose(choice, optionA, optionB)
	optionB = optionB or ''
	choice = self:interpret(choice)
	local chosenPath = {}
	if choice then
		chosenPath = optionA
		chosenPath = optionB
	for j=1, 30 do
		local innerCurrent = chosenPath[j]
		if innerCurrent then
			table.insert(self.refLink, self:interpret(current))
	local ongoingDecision
	decision = self:interpret(decision)
	return decision

function LanguageModule:isLetter(input)
	local isit = not tonumber(input)
	return isit

function LanguageModule:digits(width, num)
	local decimal = '%' .. width .. 'd'
	return string.format(decimal, num)

function LanguageModule:separ(values, separator)
  return table.concat(values, separator)

function LanguageModule:roundDown(period, verse)
	if not tonumber(verse) then
		local rounded = math.floor(verse/period) * period
		return rounded

function LanguageModule:chapterSelect(rubric, verse)
	verse = tonumber(verse)
	for k,v in pairs(rubric) do
		if v[1] <= verse and verse <= v[2] then
			return k

function LanguageModule:interpret(item)
	local output
	if type(item) == 'string' then
		if string.len(item) > 1 and string.sub(item, 1, 1) == '.' then
			local address = string.sub(item, 2)
			local returnable = self[address] or self.library.data.Sundry and self.library.data.Sundry[address]
			output = returnable
			output = item
	elseif type(item) == 'table' then
	--If it's a table, it's either a function call or a nested address.
		local presumedFunction = self:interpret(item[1])
		if type(presumedFunction) == 'function' then
			local parameters = {}
			for i = 2, 30 do
				if item[i] ~= nil then
					table.insert(parameters, self:interpret(item[i]))
			output = presumedFunction(self, unpack(parameters))
			local nested = self
			for i = 1, 30 do
				local address = item[i]
				if address and nested then
					nested = nested[address]
			output = nested
		output = item
	return output

function LanguageModule:convert(scheme, initiate)
	if type(scheme) == "table" then
		local initiate = tonumber(initiate) or initiate
		local converted = scheme[initiate]
		if converted == nil then
		return converted
	if type(scheme) == "function" then
		local initiate = tonumber(initiate) or initiate
		local converted = scheme(initiate)
		if converted == nil then
		return converted

function LanguageModule:numToRoman(item)
	local j = tonumber(item)
	if (j == nil) then
		return item
	if (j <= 0) then
		return item

	local ints = {1000, 900,  500, 400, 100,  90, 50,  40, 10,  9,   5,  4,   1}
	local nums = {'M',  'CM', 'D', 'CD','C', 'XC','L','XL','X','IX','V','IV','I'}

	local result = ""
	for k = 1, #ints do
		local count = math.floor(j / ints[k])
		result = result .. string.rep(nums[k], count)
		j = j - ints[k]*count
	return result

-- Iterate through "array" and its sublevels. Find indices in "array" that
-- contain a string matching "valToFind". Return last index where that string
-- (minus its first letter) is the key for a field in "self", as well as last
-- index where that string was found.
-- Used to locate the place where the "rlformat" should be skipped out of,
-- because there's no ".ref" value supplied for what comes next.
-- For instance, if book but not line number has been supplied.
local function findLastValidRefIndex(self, array, valToFind)
	local lastValidIndex, lastIndex
	for i, val in ipairs(array) do
		if type(val) == 'table' then
			local res1, res2 = findLastValidRefIndex(self, val, valToFind)
			if res1 then
				lastValidIndex = i
			if res2 then
				lastIndex = i
		elseif type(val) == 'string' and val:find(valToFind) then
			lastIndex = i
			if self[val:sub(2)] then
				lastValidIndex = i
	return lastValidIndex, lastIndex

function LanguageModule:expand(args)
	--Instantiate our variables.
	local results = {}
	self.code = 'green'
	local data = self.library.data
	local ultimate = ''

	self.author = args['author'] or args[2]
	self.work = args['work'] or args[3]
	for i = 1, 5 do
		local refName = 'ref' .. i
		local paramNumber = i + 3
		self[refName] = args[refName] or args[paramNumber]

	--Check if we've been given an author alias.
	if data.authorAliases[self.author] then
		self.author = data.authorAliases[self.author]

	if not data[self.author] then
		self.aData = data[self.author]
		if self.aData.reroute then
			if self.aData.aliases and self.aData.aliases[self.work] then
				self.work = self.aData.aliases[self.work]
			if not (self.aData.works and self.aData.works[self.work]) then
				self.wData = self.aData.works[self.work]
				if self.wData.reroute then

	--Load all author-level data.
	if self.aData and self.aData.aLink then
		results.author = '[[w:'..self.aData.aLink..'|'..self.author..']]'
		results.author = self.author
	if self.aData and self.aData.year then
		results.year = self.aData.year

	--If the database has a link for the work, incorporate it.
	if not self.wData or not self.wData['wLink'] then
		results.work = self.work
		results.work = '[[w:'..self.wData['wLink']..'|'..self.work..']]'
	--Some works have info which overrides the author-level info or fills other parameters.
	if self.wData then
		if self.wData['year'] then
			results.year = self.wData.year
		if self.wData['author'] ~= nil then
			results.author = self.wData.author
		if self.wData['object'] then
			results.object = self.wData.object
		if self.wData['style'] then
			results.style = self.wData.style

	--The displayed reference usually consists of all the ref argument(s) joined with a period.
	self.refDisplay = self.ref1 and '' or (self.wData and self.wData['refDefaultDisplay'] or false)
	local separator_num = 1
	for i = 1, 5 do
		local whichRef = 'ref' .. tostring(i)
		if self[whichRef] then
			local ref = self[whichRef]
			local separator
			-- no separator before a letter
			if mw.ustring.match(ref, "^%a$") then
				separator = ""
			-- to allow colon between biblical chapter and verse
			elseif self.aData and self.aData.rdFormat and self.aData.rdFormat.separator then
				separator = self.aData.rdFormat.separator
			elseif self.aData and self.aData.rdFormat and self.aData.rdFormat.separators then
				separator = self.aData.rdFormat.separators[separator_num]
				separator = "."
			if i > 1 then
				self.refDisplay = self.refDisplay .. separator
				separator_num = separator_num + 1
			self.refDisplay = self.refDisplay .. self[whichRef]
	if args['through'] then
		args['thru'] = args['through']
	if args['thru'] then
		self.refDisplay = self.refDisplay..'–'..args['thru']
	--[[	If the work is not in the database,
			or we don't have a source text link,
			the ref is simply the display.
			Otherwise, we have to create a reference link,
			easily the most challenging function of this script. ]]
	if self.wData and self.wData['rlFormat'] then
		self.rlFormat = self.aData['rlFormat'..tostring(self.wData.rlFormat)]
		if self.rlFormat then
			self.rlTitle = self.wData['rlTitle']
			-- Go through indices in "self.rlFormat" that contain a string
			-- beginning in ".ref" (either in the first level of "self.rlFormat"
			-- or a sublevel). Return the index of the string that has a
			-- corresponding field in "self", as well as the index of the last
			-- such string.
			local lastValidIndex, lastIndex = findLastValidRefIndex(self, self.rlFormat, '^%.ref(%d+)$')
			-- If there isn't another ".ref" string after the last valid index,
			-- then there is no need to cut short the rlFormat.
			local indexToStopAt
			if lastIndex and lastValidIndex and lastIndex > lastValidIndex then
				indexToStopAt = lastValidIndex
				indexToStopAt = math.huge
			self.refLink = {}
			for i, current in ipairs(self.rlFormat) do
				if i > indexToStopAt then
				table.insert(self.refLink, self:interpret(current))
			self.refLink = table.concat(self.refLink)
	if self.wData and self.wData['xrlFormat'] then
		self.xrlFormat = self.aData['xrlFormat'..tostring(self.wData.xrlFormat)]
		if self.xrlFormat then
			self.xurl = self.wData['xurl']
			-- Go through indices in "self.xrlFormat" that contain a string
			-- beginning in ".ref" (either in the first level of "self.xrlFormat"
			-- or a sublevel). Return the index of the string that has a
			-- corresponding field in "self", as well as the index of the last
			-- such string.
			local lastValidIndex, lastIndex = findLastValidRefIndex(self, self.xrlFormat, '^%.ref(%d+)$')
			-- If there isn't another ".ref" string after the last valid index,
			-- then there is no need to cut short the rlFormat.
			local indexToStopAt
			if lastIndex and lastValidIndex and lastIndex > lastValidIndex then
				indexToStopAt = lastValidIndex
				indexToStopAt = math.huge
			self.xrefLink = {}
			for i, current in ipairs(self.xrlFormat) do
				if i > indexToStopAt then
				table.insert(self.xrefLink, self:interpret(current))
			self.xrefLink = table.concat(self.xrefLink)
 	if self.refLink and self.refDisplay then
		results.ref = '[['..self.refLink..'|'..self.refDisplay..']]'
	elseif self.xrefLink and self.refDisplay then
		results.ref = '['..self.xrefLink..' '..self.refDisplay..']'
		results.ref = self.refDisplay or ''
	if args['notes'] then
		results.notes = args.notes
	results.code = self.code
	return results


return export